Needing a change from your typical Restaurant where you sit at your table, order, have an interesting conversation with whoever you are with and then pay the bill? Well, I recently had the pleasure of attending The London Cabaret Club in Central London. The London Cabaret Club offers a sophisticated entertainment environment combining high-end dining experiences with an exciting live cabaret production. Set around distinctly British themes, the shows celebrate the rich heritage of British culture, past and present. Featuring stars from London’s West End, dazzling choreography, and premium production values, we present a unique approach to the entertainment and nightlife scene.

I honestly didn't expect to like this place as much as I did and I can honestly recommend this form of evening entertainment to everyone I know. I kid you not - usually I would think - this person won't like this place and this person will like this place. However, when it comes to The London Cabaret Club (and no I haven't been paid to say this) I think all walks of life and ages would have a fabulous evening if you have a three-course meal + Cabaret show.
I made a video on my recent excursion to the Club - watch it above and on my YouTube Channel