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  • 1 hour outside London - Shoreham-by-Sea - is it worth a visit?

    Londoners are very guilty of not leaving their London bubbles. It can be such a chore to get around London at the best of times. Despite our world-beating public transport (it isn't by the way). I and many Londoners shamelessly only leave London when we depart from one of London's six international airports. And, yet if these restricting lockdown rules have taught us anything we should value the wonderful country that is England. The average Londoner or Tourist for that matter can find themselves in a different world if they dare venture 1 hour outside of London in a North, South, East or Westerly direction. Keen to escape the knife crime and Sadiq Khan's failing cohesion that London is currently offering? A one-day trip I can now recommend is a trip to the English seaside town of Shoreham-by-Sea. Until 2020 I was guilty of never gracing Shoreham-by-Sea with my presence. For I had been to Brighton and even Hove and taken in much of England's wonderful coastline but for my sins, I had never taken seen the wonders of Shoreham-by-Sea. Wonders you say? Well, yes even the smallest hamlets and villages can offer the Bloomer wonders. Don't be cynical and live like a Doomer get yourself out of the London bubble. In my latest video, I took a train from Clapham Junction and journeyed for 1 hour to the English coast. I took the train to Shoreham-by-Sea (often shortened to Shoreham). Shoreham is a seaside town and port in West Sussex, England. The town is bordered to its north by the South Downs, to its west by the Adur Valley and to its south by the River Adur and Shoreham Beach on the English Channel. The town lies in the middle of the ribbon of urban development along the English south coast, approximately equidistant from the city of Brighton and Hove to the east and the town of Worthing to the west. Shoreham covers an area of 2,430 acres (980 ha) and has a population of 20,547 (2011 census). The Train from Clapham Junction to Shoreham-by-Sea can be booked via Trainline and on the day at any London Station. Should you wish to stay overnight you could pick an Airbnb, a local cottage on or one of the local hotels with or Check out local hotel prices with the Search form below. An alternative which I do recommend for your accommodation is Airbnb. The authorities still allow Airbnb in the town (it hasn't been banned just yet). I've booked a number of apartments via Airbnb. If you have not used them before (you have probably been living under a rock). But if you use this referral link you will get many Dollars, Pounds or Euros off your first booking and I'll get a very small referral kickback. I'm an Airbnb host as well as a frequent Airbnb traveller. I love Airbnb because not only does it make travelling more affordable but it also allows you to stay off the beaten track. Staying with a local or in your own cottage is far more unique than staying in a generic hotel you could find anywhere in the world. I am not sponsored by the British Government or any Travel Group I simply have written this post as I enjoy travelling. Please do check out this blog for more independent travel ideas and my YouTube Channel. The Wondering Englishman - Can be found on YouTube, Bitchute & LBRY Thank you Shoreham-By-Sea. If you would like to travel to Shoreham-By-Sea I recommend booking your train ticket via - The key to British Rail travel is to book your tickets in advance. In a perfect world, this is done weeks in advance however if you can book your ticket 1-2 days before the day of travel you will save yourself a significant amount of money. More travel content to follow. Subscribe for updates. And if any of this information has been useful to you and you fancy buying me a Coffee please do click the link below to buy me a coffee via

  • I was cancelled by the left - Don't let this happen to you....

    Some might say my journey forked, I took a turn that led me over a cliff edge. I've hesitated about telling this story for a very long time. Only my close friends and family know what has happened to me. If I had just stayed away from the Conservative Party and Politics my life now would be very different. A small rag based in Hackney London staffed by a leftwing hack made the decision to smear my name. Some might call that smear "Doxxing" or to be "Doxxed". The editorial decision made by a Hackney Rag has cost me dearly. My career was taken from me, my job prospects were taken from me, relationships were destroyed and my life went from being very comfortable to a struggle. I am Alex van Terheyden and this sadly is my story. I hope this can be a lesson, so this doesn't happen to you - and If this doesn't put you off Politics, then I don't know what will. My story is not entirely unique. However, I have taken the time to put that story into video form via my YouTube Channel "The Wondering Englishman". Should you choose to watch that video you will discover how my life was turned upside down. I'll show you how a member of the left and then later the mob would set about cancelling me and in turn catastrophically impacting my life detrimentally for what seems like forever. It all started 2 years ago. In the Early Spring of 2018. I was working at a hedge fund trading bonds. This took up most of my time due to the long hours. However, I had for my entire life always had an interest in politics. This stemmed - way back to my school days, university days and working life. In 2006 I was living in South Hackney in the ward of Hoxton - which is Now Hoxton West. I was a member of the Conservative party. I agreed to stand in the very unwinnable seat along with 2 other conservatives in the ward of Hoxton. As predicted I came last along with the other Conservatives. This was Hackney after all. People don’t vote Conservative in Hackney. However, I believed in democracy at the time, meaning people should have the chance to vote for an alternative to Labour. In 2010, I could see in the borough of Tower Hamlets, that the Labour party, was fraudulently buying the vote through postal vote fraud. I predicted in the Hustings that the Labour Mayoral candidate was corrupt. As this was a borough I had once lived in I wanted to voice my discontent to what was going on in Tower Hamlets and also stand for Free Speech so I migrated to the Pirate Party. Of course this being Tower Hamlets and Bethnal Green - Labour easily won that election. However, I did make my voice known that I believed electing a Tower Hamlets Mayor was the wrong decision for the electorate and it would lead to corruption. Low and behold years later I was proved right as the Mayor was found guilty of mass corruption. After this election, I grew despondent with politics. I realised at least in London people are tribal and will rarely care to see the corruption that is in the world around them. I concentrated on my career. I focused on making money in the financial markets. I did this for many years. However, despite standing for the Pirate party in 2010 I remained a follower and a member of the Conservative party. The Fork in the Road that led to my fall from grace. In early 2018 I was asked if I would be a conservative candidate in the Hoxton West Ward as the Conservatives were failing to find enough people to put on the ballot paper. I declined at first as I thought I would be too busy working. I was then told that I need only be a paper candidate. A paper candidate is someone who is on the ballot paper there to make up the numbers. I agreed and said as long as I don’t have to campaign. Knowing too well that the Conservatives always come last in Hoxton. Hipsters, Progressives & long-time Hoxton residents aren’t drawn to Conservative Politics. My name was officially on the ballot paper. The election would be on the 5th of May 2018. This would prove to be one of the worst decisions I would ever make. In the run-up to the 5th May election, I would get a call from the lady running the Conservatives election campaign in Hackney. I was told that the Muslim Conservative Mayoral Candidate for Hackney wasn’t able to make the Hustings and she knew I was a fairly good public speaker and debater and asked if I would be good enough to stand in. I hesitated I really didn’t have the time for this - I was under a lot of pressure at work to perform and work USA Hours. However, as I had met Conservatives Muslim Mayoral candidate and thought he was a good man - I agreed to take part. It was this action that I’m convinced put me on the radar of a so-called Journalist who has consistently been very closely aligned with the Labour party. The so-called Journalists name was Adam Barnet. Adam Barnett decided to do some digging into my internet history. He discovered a few things about me. This Left-wing activist decided to reach out to me via Twitter using the Hackney papers Twitter account. I have decided not to link the Rag or refer to its name in this post as I don't think their paper deserves the clicks or the improved SEO that this blog post will give their awful paper. (Please refer to video for the exact content of that Tweet) I got their Direct Message (DM) while I was sat at my desk in my workplace. I took it for the smear that it was. At this moment in time, I didn’t know who the reporter was who was writing this story. I simply knew someone at the Hackney Rag was out for blood. And they were going to print something with my comment or not. This is a common theme in British Journalism - attack and smear those who don’t think the same as them. Is this Journalism or Activism? I thought for a moment should I just ignore this. I wanted to ignore this but I didn’t know what would be printed. Judging by the content of the DM in my Twitter Inbox the article wasn’t going to be pretty. I decided I had to defend myself from this blatant smear. At least provide context as this parasitic rag certainly had a history of attacking Conservatives. I have always been an advocate for open discussion and open debate. The exact reason I have frequently visited Speakers Corner in Hyde Park. To put it simply, I enjoy hearing different perspectives and learning from other viewpoints. Throughout my history, I have always loved a good debate. The views I held when I was 17 were very different from the views I held when I was 27 and they changed again when in my 30s. All because I’ve challenged my own viewpoints and those of others in a civil and open debate. On March 18th 2018 I was at Speakers Corner - I and many who believed in Free Speech were there that day. They came from all walks of life and every religious faith. However, to a far-left activist who wrote for a local rag every man and his dog that day would be smeared with the suggestion that they attended a far-right rally. When instead I and many decent people were simply at Speakers Corner on a cold Sunday in March. Effectively Adam Barnett not only was smearing me with his accusation that being at Speakers Corner meant I and others were attending a far-right rally. What he was stating was simply not true - he was being incredibly insulting to the thousands of free speech advocates who were there that day. Thankfully I made a video of that exact day and published it before this DM was sent to me. He knew I had attended not from the video but from the fact that I checked in at speakers corner that day on Facebook and did it publicly. Little did I know those images of a simple check-in would come back to haunt me. If you would like to watch the video that I posted days after attending speakers corner I have posted the link in the description and it has always been made freely available. The video has always been free to view on my YouTube Channel and the link is here I decided to respond to the left-wing activist to at least defend myself. My response can be seen via my video - which is time-stamped in the description. I felt like I was damned if I didn’t respond and damned if I did. Many defenders of common sense and free speech such as Jordan Peterson, Douglas Murray & Christopher Hitchens have all at one stage stated you should never apologise. They will never accept your apology if you apologise they will simply see blood and go after you like a rabid dog. As far as I was concerned - I had nothing to apologise about I wasn’t Racist, Xenophobic or Bigotted. And yet I would be labelled as all of these in the coming days and weeks all because I dared to question the Political ideology that is Islam. This video isn’t to argue one way or the other on the rights and wrongs of Islam. If Islam gives people peace in their lives this is great. However, the issue arises for me and other infidels when Islam impacts their lives negatively. However, this video is simply to present what has happened to me for daring to have a view. Unlike the Marxist left, I believe all sides should be given the freedom to practice their faith, have a view on XYZ and all should be able to engage in a dialogue of ideas without the fear of being smeared, attacked or doxxed. Doxxing, also spelt "doxing," refers to the practice of using the Internet to source out and collect someone's personal and private information and then publicly releasing that information online. Derived from the word "documents," the term is an abbreviated version of "dropping dox," a method of revenge that dates back to the hacker culture of the early 1990s. This would not be the first time someone has doxxed me. I should have seen it as a warning. However, two years prior to this when I was running a Brokerage in the City of London a fanatical female Islamist called up my workplace and demanded that I should be fired because I dared to be critical of Islam in a public forum. At the time I laughed it off as it was my company and I was the boss. I should have seen this as what was to come. No person or company should feel threatened by those who hold radical religious views. And yet submitting to those that follow the book of Submission seems to be very commonplace in the 21st century. The local rag printed their smearing article about me and once again please refer to my video to see that article I have no intention of giving that rag any clicks by directing you to their failing website. This article was followed up by a second article only three days later as apparently one article wasn't a big enough smear. This Hackney rag is not an impartial free-thinking publication. It’s not actually interested in telling you the news - it's clearly a failing vehicle for those on the extreme left to attack and smear other people. By the second article, the left-wing press & mob had decided to parrot the story. And This is where I am left. My name is in tatters because a left-wing activist decided to smear me and the rest of the left-wing mainstream media decided to parrot his poorly written articles. At the time I was thrown to the wolves by the Conservative party. Apparently, I was suspended pending investigation and yet I would later discover that I was no longer suspended and still a fully paid-up member of the Conservative party. I've pleaded over and over again with Google, Bing & Yahoo to take down the smearing articles - they have refused as they consider me as a paper candidate to be a public figure comparable to Boris Johnson & Donald Trump. And because of this, I've lost two jobs potentially (as no one will admit that on record) and I've been denied employment again and again as Human Resources departments look at Google and take the option of not wanting the grief and saying no. In 2020 where political correctness and image is more important than truth and hard work. And what do I mean by grief? Well, the average employer now has three fears when it comes to hiring me. Will hiring me, offend the extreme left? Where they publicise this fact and cause the company to get bad press potentially lowering the company share price - smearing the companies reputation. Will a violent Islamist go all Charlie Hebdo on the company because they hired a person who dared to question Islam. I could really be a Far-Right, Racist, Extremist who might suddenly shoot up the workplace. As I’ve lost my hair in part due to the stress of this I may now even look the part of a far-right extremist. And yet this is not me - yes I hold conservative views and yes I believe in free speech but this doesn’t make me a violent extremist. Is it possible a violent leftist or Islamist could attack the company I work for - yes it is - is this right or my fault, of course, it is not! And yet the world we now live in because of these threats it feels like my career is over. It feels like I have less worth to a potential employer than a hardened criminal who is fresh out of prison. Criminals are given the chance and yet because a parasitic left-wing journalist who used to write for a Hackney rag, decided to smear my name, my job prospects have been flushed down the toilet. Why do I produce content? Since 2018, I’ve created content for the sole purpose of pushing this negativity off the internet. It’s reached the point now where I’ve lost two jobs because of this that I can no longer continue to hide from this. I believe a change needs to happen where people's lives are not ruined for speaking freely. I believe every topic should be up for political debate without fearing that careers can be ended. We as a nation & a civilisation (western civilization) are being silenced into submission by groups who would like us to submit. I am not the first person in the west who has had his life ruined and I will not be the last. Where I go from here I feel my options are very limited. Should I have made this video? Maybe yes and maybe no - however I’ve sat in silence for too long and with each day that's passed where I can’t get a break. I feel if I didn’t tell my story about how a selfish left-wing radical destroyed my life then maybe he and people like him would continue getting away with what they do. We need to change political discourse we need to accept people have different views. It's only through open dialogue can we learn from each other. Cancel culture is a real thing and it has clearly impacted my life. I went from being able to work in the financial markets to suddenly nobody wanting to employ me - All because of what a grubby left-wing activist had decided to print in a third-rate local newspaper. Did the author intend to cancel me or simply hold me to account for my views? Well given that the original article I was labeled as "Anti-Muslim" despite the author providing zero evidence that I was anti-muslim. He, then quickly followed up with the follow-up article which once again attacked me. I think it's easy to argue his intention was to smear my name and because of the climate we live in where the author knows that if you label someone anti-muslim you know damn well you are setting out to cancel that individual. Did the lady who called my workplace to get me fired want to cancel me - of course, she did! Is this behaviour acceptable? Of course, it's not! Should employers discriminate based on race? Of course, they should not and legally that is a crime. However, it is now clear despite my politics being Left and Right depending on the topic at hand. Its clear due to reprisals, smears & stigma articles like this can damage a person for life. Is that fair - I’m certain if you are on the far left you will think this is fair but I think any fair normal human being would think this isn't how society should be. The Glass is half full - I won’t let the left impact my life any more than it already has - my plan is to rebuild from the rubble and move forward. Where we go from here I hope you will join me on that journey. I'm ready for the next fork in the road and I'm prepared to climb back up the cliff. Should you wish to reach out to me with opportunities or support - you can find those details here. Thank you for your time and attention - please support free speech and do not allow the Marxist left to continue to cancel those who do not think the same as them. Alex van Terheyden - @vanTerheyden - The Wondering Englishman

  • The Chi-Coms have ruined British Pubs!

    The above video was my first journey out to the pubs on July 4th 2020. On July 4th 2020, Pubs in England were allowed to open for the first time since Lockdown began back in March 2020. Scotland followed on July 6th much to the dismay of the Cranky Lady in charge. And, yet, things aren't quite the same as they were. On "Inn-Dependence" Day I set off to discover if I could get a pint in a number of London Pubs. In short, the Chi-Coms have ruined British Pubs! How, could the Chi-Coms ruin Pubs in the UK? Beijing might be 5000+ miles away from London but the actions of their corrupt communist government either deliberately releasing a virus onto the world or accidentally releasing it onto the world (jury is still out), has as you know changed life as we know it. I wrongly assumed I could casually nip out for a pint and take in the joys of a British Pub once again. Sadly, the British Government has imposed all these authoritarian rules upon us all. The British Government is the Nanny State and because the death rate is 0.01% it must wrap us all up in cotton wool to protect us from the Lab-Made CCP virus. What are these rules that have directly and indirectly ruined British Pubs? From one-in, one-out toilets to no dancing and singing, here’s a round-up of the new normal for pubs and venues. Table service and avoiding ordering at the bar. The government’s official guidance states: ‘Indoor table service must be used where possible. Outdoor table service should also be encouraged. Though customers are permitted to stand outside if distanced appropriately.’ The guidelines do not explicitly forbid customers from ordering at the bar, but strongly suggest establishments should ‘prevent customers from remaining at the bar or counter after ordering’. Contactless and table-ordering will be the only way to pay. Contactless ordering where possible, the guidelines also suggest that venues make it possible for guests to order and pay through a contactless app. This means the Nanny State will be able to track every purchase you make. The Government, Big Tech and the Globalists want to phase out cash so they can crush any dissidents who stand in their way. If you are stopped from having a bank account then it will be easy to convince you to comply. No loud music or live entertainment. I honestly have to facepalm at this rule - Irish Folk nights, Bands and Loud Jukeboxes are no longer OK according to the Nanny State! The guidelines explicitly state that venues should ensure that guests aren’t needing to raise their voices or lean in to hear one another, stating: ‘This includes, but is not limited to, refraining from playing music or broadcasts that may encourage shouting, including if played at a volume that makes normal conversation difficult.’ The guidance warns venues they ‘should not permit live performances, including drama, comedy and music, to take place in front of a live audience’. What's the point in going to many of these establishments if it will be like this! Dancing, singing and live entertainment are off the menu for now. OK, I understand the reasons behind this but I still massively disagree. Proponents will argue the concerns around dancing is obviously the close contact with one another and singing carries the risk of droplets potentially carrying coronavirus travelling further as pub-goers belt out their favourite songs. However, this is probably one of the many main reasons people pay the premium for a drink so they can meet, be social and be merry in close proximity. Groups of six When sitting inside pubs or restaurants. People will be allowed to gather at a social distance in groups of six, with a maximum of two households involved. The six-person limit remains in pub gardens, although friends from more than two households will be allowed to socialise. "Please Nanny State can I go and meet my friends?" "NO!" says the oppressive government. Disposable condiments and cutlery. Notice the tumbleweed from the Extinction Rebellion activists on this one. We are sacrificing the environment with this rule. In addition to being advised to use disposable condiments so that one bottle of ketchup, for example, doesn’t get used by several people in one day, cutlery won’t be laid out on tables unless people order food. The guidance says venues should ‘minimise customer self-service of food, cutlery and condiments to reduce the risk of transmission. For example, providing cutlery and condiments only when food is served.’ To this end, salt, pepper, mayonnaise and ketchup will be served in individual sachets. Venues to keep a record of contact details. Thought I was insane when I said we are creeping towards a Police State. Well here is another step closer to that. Venues are advised to ‘assist (NHS Test and Trace) by keeping a temporary record of customers and visitors for 21 days.’ Customers must give their name and phone number while owners are urged to note their arrival time and how long they stay at the pub. The thought is that if there is a breakout of the virus again, people can be contacted easily to help minimise potentially spreading it further. When travelling around the Communist Soviet Union before the end of the Cold war people used to have to do this. This I'm sure is only temporary before we are forced to install some tracking device on our mobile phones or actually wear a chip so Nanny state can track us at all times. No more than 30 people indoors. Even if a venue has the capacity to hold more than that number safely indoors, the guidelines insist that no more than 30 should be allowed to congregate indoors. This is in part due to their safety in getting to and from the venue – they may be able to socially distance in the pub, but if there are too many people all using the same public transport after, for example, this could be a risk. Basically, this will force all large venues to close. All small venues will likely close also as they won't be able to ram people inside the venue for a jolly. One-in, one-out toilets. In the guidelines, pubs are urged to use a ‘limited entry approach’ with a ‘one in one out’ rule. Bookings may be required in some establishments. Now, while I was out and about this seemed to be a discretionary measure but many bars, pubs and restaurants were enforcing this. If this is across the board then gone are the days where you can pop out for a sly pint. All these rules will ruin and have ruined British Pubs. 0.01% of the population will contract Covid-19 and die from it. I feel bad for the people who will die, but should we stop living how we have always lived because we are in perpetual fear? The CCP created this virus. Globalist Governments have embraced it by imposing authoritarian measures on the world. Are they doing this to protect the 0.01% of the population that will die from this virus or are they doing this to scare the crap out of everyone, track everything they do and make everyone's life more difficult? When a vaccine comes along the masses will be begging Bill Gates & the Nanny States for the vaccine. They will not care what the consequences of that NanoTech-laced vaccine entails. RIP Pubs of the UK & RIP your freedoms. Until these rules are thrown in the garbage can of history, many will choose to drink at home. You can find more articles like this on my this website or you can watch my YouTube Channel - The Wondering Englishman. See you at the pub! (I hope!)

  • A weekend in Vienna

    So I had the pleasure of spending a weekend in Vienna this year. For some reason, this had been a City I had avoided for much of my life. Why you may ask? Well, I had always (wrongly) assumed Vienna was a little bit Stuffy. Associating the historic Austria capital with Classical Music and the Opera. Well, of course, Vienna has huge historical connections to Classical Music and Opera given Mozart and Strauss Spent much of their lives in Vienna and few will argue that Vienna doesn’t have one of the most famous Operas in the world. However, on my jam-packed weekend in Vienna, I discovered there was so much more! Amazing bars, clubs, parks, restaurants and some seriously impressive sights with super awesome people! I thought it would be a City I would tick off and say I’ve now been there. But in actual fact, it’s a city I very much look forward to going back to again and visiting very soon. As let’s be honest its impossible to see everything in 1 weekend. If you are curious that weekend in Vienna can be seen on My Wondering Englishman YouTube Channel. But just because I can I’m Posting The video below. Let me know what you think by leaving a comment here or on my Video. And I hope it inspires you To visit! Over the years, I've had the fortune to stay in an array of hotels, apartments and various forms of accommodation while travelling. For the majority of travellers, I recommend - yes there are hotel comparison websites such as Trivago and Kayak. However, from my years of travel experience, I've discovered both of these comparison websites do not have all the hotels, hostels and apartments listed. The reasons behind this could be some premises simply do not pay the comparison sights a fee or the reason could be something else. If you know of the reason do leave a comment below. However, I have discovered no matter what the location will 9/10ths of the time have the most competitive deal and generally more choice. However, if you are super keen to get the best deal- use, Kayak, Trivago, and in separate browser windows. An alternative which I do recommend for your accommodation is Airbnb. The city authorities still allow Airbnb in the city (it hasn't been banned just yet). I've booked a number of apartments via Airbnb. If you have not used them before (you have probably been living under a rock). But if you use this referral link you will get many Dollars or Euros off your first booking and I'll get a very small referral kickback. I'm an Airbnb host as well as a frequent Airbnb traveller. I love Airbnb because not only does it make travelling more affordable but it also allows you to stay off the beaten track. Staying with a local or in your own cottage is far more unique than staying in a generic hotel you could find anywhere in the world. Use the map below to search for the perfect Airbnb stay within walking distance of the centre of Beautiful Vienna. Thanks for reading - Keep Progressing - see you on my YouTube Channel!

  • Kyiv or as some still wrongly say Kiev - is booming!

    ***Updated June 2021 with relevant information!*** Rewind yourself to 2014 when the Ukrainian revolution was taking place. Anti-government demonstrations in Kyiv ended abruptly on 18 February 2014, when protesters and police clashed. At least 82 people were killed over the next few days, including 13 policemen; more than 1,100 people were injured. The economy for the next year or so went into recession and the currency massively devalued. I could give my opinion on these events but I won't in this post. I've said many things about it in the past on my YouTube Channel and via other Social Networks. And yet despite this seeming like only yesterday, Kyiv has come out of the slump, inflicted upon itself by the elites who had instigated these political events. Kyiv is now Booming! I had been visiting Ukraine for many years now - Pre 2014 and post-2014 - I've witnessed some significant changes. A lot of these changes and observations I documented over the years in a series of videos. In this post, I bring to you that journey of observations - starting with my first video on Kyiv - long after my years of visiting and culminating with tips and travel guides for those visiting Kyiv for the first time. This is the first video I made in Ukraine - I thought it was long overdue to make a video - but it needed to be made - this video was released on YouTube in January 2018 and has since racked up over 43,000+ views. As I realised there was a demand for content from Ukraine I started making content from the various cities in Ukraine. These included Dnipro, Kharkiv, Lviv & Odesa. However, given that Kyiv is such an Epic city, the city deserved many more videos. And this is exactly what I have done over time. The first place many people see when they arrive in Kyiv is one of the cities two airports - in this video, I offer advice upon landing at Kyiv Zhuliany. Also known as Igor Sikorsky Kyiv International Airport. When Booking flights to Kyiv - I recommend searching for the best deal via SkyScanner. However, the most popular Airport in Kyiv - is Kyiv Borispil International Airport which is roughly 40 minutes outside Kyiv. If you are curious how to get from Kyiv Borispil (Borispol) Airport then lucky for you I have just made a video (June 2021) on how to get from the Airport to the City Centre. Now you have got from the Airport to the centre of Kyiv - it would be wise to pick some accommodation. Over the years I've stayed in a selection of amazing places while in Kyiv - ranging from the best five-star hotels to serviced apartments, penthouses and humble hostels for when I've simply arrived during Independence day and realised everything is fully booked! In the first long-form video above I posted some of my accommodation in that video. When in Ukraine I use 3 different websites to book the majority of my accommodation - they all offer something different hence the reason I use all three portals. The portals for booking accommodation that I personally use are Airbnb and Booking . com. and Dobovo. If you aren't a user of any of these website's I can't recommend them enough. All have been great to me on my travels around Ukraine. Airbnb - great for living like a local in humble to swanky apartments. If you haven't signed up - this link will give you $20-$70 depending on where you are located off your first reservation. I'm an Airbnb host as well as a frequent Airbnb traveller. I love Airbnb because not only does it make travelling more affordable but it also allows you to stay off the beaten track. Staying with a local or in your own cottage is far more unique than staying in a generic hotel you could find anywhere in the world. Use the map below to search for the perfect Airbnb stay within walking distance of the centre of Kyiv. Booking . com - is a very good place to go for apartments, hotels & even hostels. I find the prices are generally better than any of its competitors. Use this link for Travel Credit. Dobovo . com - this is the local Ukrainian booking site that specialises in apartment rentals. Many apartments that don't feature on Airbnb can be found on here. I've been using it for 6-7 years with no problems. Use this Link for 200 UAH off your booking. So what's the Kyiv Nightlife like? Well as you saw in the first video "An Englishman in Kyiv" - it's pretty epic. It's my favourite place for Techno outside Berlin & Ibiza. Here are some examples of the Techno found in Kyiv. Before the Decadence brand took over Chi - Decadence used to be at the Touch Cafe. Way back in 2015! I wish I had videos from its Arena days in 2014 but sadly I do not. Another night hosted by the Decadence boys in the Touch Cafe days of 2015! And here is Decadence in 2016 And of course when Decadence was at Chi in 2019 hosting Marco Carola. Many great nights are to be had in Kyiv but when not enjoying good Techno. It's a rather nice place to go for a walk. In this video I found myself walking from the Centre of Kyiv to Podil. Podil is a fantastic place to go out for lunch, dinner and even at night time. Of course, I had to do a part 2 to this video. This Blog is always being updated when new information can be added. In my latest trip to Ukraine, I decided to show my YouTube Audience the Main Street in Kyiv. That street goes by the name Khreshchatyk Street. This street is frequented by every man, woman and their dog at least once in any given year. Celebrations, parades, music and human interaction happen here all year round. The best time to experience Khreshchatyk Street is in the summer when the street is often shut to traffic and people can walk freely. However, in the winter it is also worthy of your time. In this video, I walked all the way down Khreshchatyk Street from North to South. What if you are feeling lazy and just don't want to walk the streets of Kyiv. Well, there are many options. Kyiv is a very well connected city. Although it is rather too congested. If you must take a Taxi don't be fooled to get a street taxi especially as a foreigner they will overcharge you. To avoid this I would recommend using the Taxi apps when in Kyiv. But which ones? For Ukraine Taxi's If you would like to use any of these apps - please download via your App Store. BOLT - Use the Code "HFDHF" UBER - Use My Code "uberAVT" Both these codes will give you money off your first trips used on those apps. What about if you want to be economical and also green to the planet - well public transport in Kyiv is very good. I'm a particularly a fan of the Kyiv Metro. And I frequently am happy to use the local buses. Although apparently, the local buses are beneath girls who believe in status. I, on the other hand, do not care and think they are great! Here's a video of the Kyiv Metro. And if you find yourself in Podil and wanting to get back to the centre in a hurry - why not try the Scenic Funicular. Watch this space or my channel - I'm certain more videos will come out of my visits to Kyiv and Ukraine. ***2021 Update*** Low and behold I decided to take in the Ukraine Metro once again. This time I wanted to see what it was like during Covid-19 Pandemic. I can verify it is safe and working normally. And due to the general fear the elderly have about the virus the Metro is now less busy than before. If you are needing to escape Kyiv and venture to Lviv or in fact anywhere by Public Transport - you may find this final video useful. In this video, I show how easy it is to use Kyiv's public transport and exit the city. Thanks for joining on this journey and it won't end there - new videos can be found on my YouTube Channel - The Wondering Englishman.

  • Clear your mind with a walk that rewards your wallet & your health

    During these strange times that we are living, I'm finding just to keep things fresh in my mind day to day that I must go for a long walk. And with every walk I take each day, I try to make sure it's a different route. And as I'm currently living in London during the authoritarian global lockdown I'm mixing up my route every time I take myself off for a walk. I always try to walk 10,000+ steps a day at a bare minimum since my various smartphones started measuring (tracking) my movement over the years. I think they are pretty accurate and while I shudder at who is using this information I do get something out of it - I feel I am at least getting something out of it and I'll tell you why. I have health insurance that rewards me for walking so many steps a day. Having Health Insurance is something I recommend for all people who can afford it; as you never know when you will need that emergency treatment that could end up saving your life. My health insurance is with a company called Vitality. I pay them via direct debit a small sum every month and in theory, they promise they will get me medical help should I ever need it. Now in the old days, a healthy person would simply pay his premiums and this would be it. However, with Vitality, they reward me as long as I stay active. This allows me to discover new streets and new walks wherever in the world I might be. Walking is a great way to improve or maintain your overall health. Just 30 minutes every day can increase cardiovascular fitness, strengthen bones, reduce excess body fat, and boost muscle power and endurance. It can also reduce your risk of developing conditions such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis and some cancers. Unlike some other forms of exercise, walking is free and doesn’t require any special equipment or training. Physical activity does not have to be vigorous or done for long periods in order to improve your health. Walking is low impact, requires minimal equipment, can be done at any time of day and can be performed at your own pace. You can get out and walk without worrying about the risks associated with some more vigorous forms of exercise. Walking is also a great form of physical activity for people who are overweight, elderly, or who haven’t exercised in a long time. Walking for fun and fitness isn’t limited to strolling by yourself around local neighbourhood streets - although I have to admit this is something I've done mostly during Lockdown. There are various clubs, venues and strategies you can use to make walking an enjoyable and social part of your lifestyle. By walking more than 7000 steps a day Vitality rewards me with points. I always try to aim for over 12,500 and I usually smash that most days. Although the odd rainy day or lazy day can scupper that but we are all human. The points I get from Vitality health insurance reward me each week with Rakuten Movie Vouchers, Cineworld & VUE Cinema Vouchers, Amazon Prime Membership, discounted Gym Membership and free Coffees from Caffe Nero. Why would I have private health insurance in a country that has a National Health Service - well if you have ever had to use the NHS and I have in my life history. As hard-working as the Doctors and Nurses are, the NHS is not going to get you seen fast enough should you have a serious problem. Imagine the worst-case scenario that something bad suddenly happens to you and you need an operation. Well, sadly with the NHS you are going to have to wait your turn. My family who worships the cult of the NHS as they have all worked for the NHS will claim it to be a wonderful service but the reality is I'm convinced various members of my family have died because the NHS didn't do enough for them. If they had been private they may have lived a little longer and certainly would have been more comfortable. In my mind, by having private health insurance you are going to be seen in speed and this speed could be the difference between life and death. I rarely recommend companies but in the case of Vitality Health insurance, I am very happy to stick my neck out and make a personal recommendation. I had a health scare a while back and Vitality got me seen by the right people in no time at all. It turned out there was nothing to worry about but if I had waited to find out that information with the NHS I would have been waiting for months to be seen and yet with Vitality I was seen within a day and I was given the OK within weeks. That peace of mind and knowing you are in good hands is worth the premium alone but the rewards I get from staying active make the financial burden pain free. If you would like to join Vitality Health Insurance use this link and you will be rewarded with either a £50 John Lewis or Amazon voucher depending on your preference. Use this code 226D6 when signing up to Vitality. An example of how I earn my Vitality Reward points - I take a daily walk. A recent daily walk found me walking between Hammersmith Bridge & Putney Bridge along the south side of the Thames - join me for that one on one interaction where I talk about anything and everything. So what are the Health Benefits fo walking? You carry your own body weight when you walk. This is known as weight-bearing exercise. Some of the benefits include: increased cardiovascular and pulmonary (heart and lung) fitness reduced risk of heart disease and stroke improved management of conditions such as hypertension (high blood pressure), high cholesterol, joint and muscular pain or stiffness, and diabetes stronger bones and improved balance increased muscle strength and endurance reduced body fat. So better health and free things if you have Vitality health insurance it's a win-win if you take a long walk every day. And of course during this time where the world around you is a Petri Dish I recommend you combine these long walks with a well-balanced diet but also vitamins. Some will say if your diet is balanced then you will get all the vitamins you need. However, as your body filters out anything you do not need I'm of the philosophy that it's better to have an oversupply of vitamins going into your body than a lack of supply. Obviously depending on your needs will depend on what vitamins you need. To keep my energy levels up I take B12 Supplements & Multi-Vitamins. And I try my best to get a enough sunshine so my body can produce vitamin D as this is linked to keeping a stronger immune system. Crucial when your body is fighting off Covid-19 which I'm convinced I did a couple of months back now. If you would like to check out other walks in my YouTube series I'll post some of the videos down below. In this one, I take in the Ukrainian capital Kyiv and walk from the Centre to the Podil District. And Part 2 of that walk follows as it's best to break up long video walks sometimes! And a slightly different video next where I walk in the footsteps of the Techno Viking in the centre of Berlin - reliving one of the greatest Memes that ever graced the internet. And previously discussed on this blog. So, keep walking and keep progressing!

  • Tartu Estonia - A weekend destination that is closer than you might think

    Estonia gets a little bit of a raw deal sometimes (at least in my mind). Its people have to put up with the Arctic weather in the winter, being used by the EU & NATO for political purposes and constantly having to look over their shoulder as they get that feeling that Russia wants to take them back. It can't be easy being in this constant tug of war while getting frostbite! However, if we can ignore the icy cold weather the political posturing by Global Governments then we as keen travellers can look at Estonia as a destination that must be explored. I've visited the Northern European Baltic country a few times now and each time hasn't disappointed despite the brisk cold winds that do your nose and ears no favours. Estonia, a country in Northern Europe, borders the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Finland. It includes more than 1,500 islands, its diverse terrain spans rocky beaches, old-growth forest and many lakes. Formerly part of the Soviet Union, it's dotted with castles, churches and hilltop fortresses. The capital, Tallinn, is known for its preserved Old Town, museums and the 314m-high Tallinn TV Tower, which has an observation deck. There are 47 towns in Estonia, many of these locations were known by their German or Russian names before 1918, which were occasionally quite different from the ones used by Estonians. After the annexation of Estonia by the Soviet Union in 1940, the Estonian names were used in Russian, leading to the use of some incorrect back-transliterations in Russian (e.g., Vilyandi, Pylva rather the correct Viljandi, Põlva). The five biggest towns in Estonia are 1.Tallinn 2.Tartu 3.Narva 4.Pärnu 5.Kohtla-Järve I've had the pleasure to visit 3 out of the 5 of those cities. The ones highlighted to be more specific which will send you to my relevant YouTube adventures. Of course, you should visit Tallinn it's the capital of Estonia - but to overlook Tartu would be a serious mistake. Tartu for the moment at least is off the beaten track as it receives a fraction of the number of visitors Tallinn does. A suggestion from this traveller would be to check it out for a weekend. However, if there is no direct flight to Tartu how do you get there? Unless you are Finnish, from St Petersburg or Latvia you are most likely going to be flying to Estonia. Tallinn is pretty much the one airport you will be needing to fly into if visiting anywhere in Estonia due to the small size of the country. Tallinn Airport is served by most of Europes major Airlines and depending on where you are flying from you are more than likely to be able to pick up a good deal if planned ahead. Kayak, Google Flights and Skyscanner should be the go-to websites for searching for the best flight deals. However, my personal favourite for European flight deals is Skyscanner. For some reason, Skyscanner works best when searching for European Flights over any of its rivals. Upon arriving at Tallinn airport, what is the best way to get from Tallinn to Tartu in the south of the country? Thankfully for you, I made a very short video explaining exactly that predicament. Getting from Tallinn Airport to Tartu. To truly understand the city of Tartu you really need 2-3 days. And given its size staying anywhere around the city will suffice. There are a variety of options to pick from. Over the years, I've had the fortune to stay in an array of hotels, apartments and various forms of accommodation while travelling. For the majority of travellers, I recommend - yes there are hotel comparison websites such as Trivago and Kayak. However, from my years of travel experience, I've discovered both of these comparison websites do not have all the hotels, hostels and apartments listed. The reasons behind this could be some premises simply do not pay the comparison sights a fee or the reason could be something else. If you know of the reason do leave a comment below. However, I have discovered no matter what the location will 9/10ths of the time have the most competitive deal and generally more choice. However, if you are super keen to get the best deal- use, Kayak, Trivago, and in separate browser windows. An alternative which I do recommend for your accommodation is Airbnb. The city authorities still allow Airbnb in the city (it hasn't been banned just yet). I've booked a number of apartments via Airbnb. If you have not used them before (you have probably been living under a rock). But if you use this referral link you will get many Dollars or Euros off your first booking and I'll get a very small referral kickback. I'm an Airbnb host as well as a frequent Airbnb traveller. I love Airbnb because not only does it make travelling more affordable but it also allows you to stay off the beaten track. Staying with a local or in your own cottage is far more unique than staying in a generic hotel you could find anywhere in the world. Use the map below to search for the perfect Airbnb stay within walking distance of the centre of Tartu. Upon arriving in the city you will be drawn to the centre - Tartu's old historic centre. Tartu is very compact, with most sights, restaurants and nightlife nestled across a couple of parallel streets. Being the second largest town in Estonia and a hotbed for creative and scientific culture, there is always something on from theatre performances to concerts and festivals. However, if you have the legs and you like to run or walk long distances do not hesitate in exploring the outskirts of the city to really get a real feel for the city. If you are curious about how I explored it the first time I visited the city - here is a video showing exactly that. Strangely this video was well received by a resident Estonian they actually wrote an article about this very video. I have previously posted that article here. Although the Original can be found here on the Foreign Policy Website. As you can see from that video it's clear I enjoyed the city of Tartu on my first visit. However, a discovered far much more on my second visit. A place I grew fond of while staying in the centre of Tartu on my second visit was an amazing little bar hidden in a basement called DeTolly õllebaar. This hidden gem (although probably not that hidden as it's right on De Tolly Square) is a must-visit if you are a fan of craft beers. The selection was immense and any man who loves the amber nectar could spend a lot of time and money here getting to know all these exceptional beers they have on tap and in bottles. Obviously while in Estonia try as many Estonian beers as possible, and yes the Estonian Craft breweries make some fantastic beer. I'm glad I made it to Estonias National Museum when I next visited Tartu. It's a National Museum all Politicians around the world should visit. Why? You may ask! Well, Estonia's National Museum celebrates the rich history of the Estonian people it celebrates their identity and it celebrates their country. Unlike many western governments who have been overrun by Leftists intent on erasing history and Globalists intent on erasing borders and identity, this museum celebrates everything Estonia. The Estonian people I'm sure are very proud of this immense Museum that was once a Soviet Bomber base. I was certainly very impressed by the wonders they put on display. An essential visit for everyone while in Tartu! One suggestion before you visit Estonia and any nation that you are not connected with would be to try and learn a little bit of the local lingo. Yes, the majority of people in Estonia speak English but saying "Tere!", "Palun" & "Aitäh" will go a long way in terms of getting more warmth from the Estonian people and also endearing yourself to them more. I recommend learning a second or sixth language with Rosetta Stone. They do amazing online courses for beginners to experts in every language you could possibly want to learn including Estonian! I hope you have a great time in Tartu Estonia should you visit. I am not sponsored by the Estonian Government or any Travel Group I simply have written this post as I enjoy travelling. Please do check out this blog for more independent travel ideas and my YouTube Channel. And if any of this information has been useful to you and you fancy buying me a Coffee please do click the link below to buy me a coffee via Thanks very much! Stay safe & keep Progressing! The Wondering Englishman.

  • Sardina known for its sandy beaches and hiking trails but you would be wrong to ignore Cagliari

    With just under a half a million known inhabitants Cagliari is the 26th largest city in Italy and of course the largest city on the island of Sardinia. Cagliari the capital of Sardinia or Casteddu the Sardinian name literally means castle. For a brief weekend, this fine city would be this Englishman's castle. It would be my first time visiting this ancient city although as you will learn I hope it would not be my last. I found myself delving into the long history of this ancient city. I discovered it wasn't just I who grew fond of this now Italian city but several civilisations who came before I. As far back as the Neolithic age there's evidence of civilisation here - some have speculated due to the findings related to the Giants of Sardina civilisation may even predate this time. More of the Giants in my video and lower down the page. Historical sites include the prehistoric Domus de Janas, very damaged by cave activity, a large Carthaginian era necropolis, a Roman-era amphitheatre, a Byzantine basilica, three Pisan-era towers and a strong system of fortification that made the town the core of Spanish Habsburg imperial power in the western Mediterranean Sea. Its natural resources have always been its sheltered harbour, the often powerfully fortified hill of Castel di Castro, the modern Casteddu, the salt from its lagoons, and, from the hinterland, wheat from the Campidano plain and silver and other ores from the Iglesiente mines. Today the city is a regional cultural, educational, political and artistic centre, known for its diverse Art Nouveau architecture and several monuments. It is also Sardinia's economic and industrial hub, having one of the biggest ports in the Mediterranean Sea, an international airport, and an income level in Italy comparable to that of several northern Italian cities. Venice, Florence, Rome & Milan are cities you would think of when seeking an Italian city break and you wouldn't be wrong in seeking out these cities. Although if I had to pick my favourite from the four mentioned I would argue Florence must be seen if you see only one. However, another person would most likely pick another and their friend may pick another as this is just personal preference. What would rarely come into the equation is the case for Cagliari - now while I would never argue Cagliari is superior to any of these cities (well maybe Milan). It would be a rare day that anyone would fight in that corner and I'm going to bet many simply won't have it on their radar. Well, I'm hoping that will soon change as you are made more aware of this ancient city while you direct this post and my various YouTube Videos on my Channel The Wondering Englishman. One of the most beautiful Cathedrals in Europe is to be found in Cagliari and this alone could be a reason to visit and I'm sure the Sardinia tourist board (I am not sponsored by them or anyone) will tell you the same. Cagliari Cathedral (Duomo di Cagliari, Cattedrale di Santa Maria e Santa Cecilia) is a Roman Catholic cathedral dedicated to the Virgin Mary and to Saint Cecilia. It was built in the 13th century in Pisan-Romanesque style, obtaining cathedral status in 1258. In the 17th and 18th centuries, it was renovated along Baroque lines. In the 1930s it finally received the current façade, in Neo-Romanesque style, inspired by Pisa Cathedral. Just in case you never make it there - here is a short clip of this magnificent Cathedral. Of course, no weekend break to any Italian city would be complete without diving into all the glorious food. Many will rank Italian food as the best in the world - I think controversially it's a close tie between French, Italian & English (don't laugh until you have really tried it!). Cagliari has a huge advantage being well placed in the Mediterranean so capable of providing all budgets with some of the finest Mediterranean seafood. From buying it fresh in the numerous markets dotted around the city to getting an accomplished Sardinian chef to cook you up something tasty. In my mind, at least, no Italian food binge is complete without devouring fresh magnificent pasta. I feel sorry for those who avoid carbs or those who claim they can't eat Gluton because they will be missing out on something genuinely wonderful while visiting any Italian city. When in Cagliari I discovered a marvellous Pasta restaurant perfect for a quick lunch and those on a budget. It was called Zio Tom Pasta. It features in my long-form video on the city - titled "24 Hours in Cagliari". Of course, there is far more to Cagliari than food and Cathedrals and the one place that stood out for me was the Archaeological Museum where the Giants of Sardinia are on display. The Giants of Mont'e Prama to be more precise are ancient stone sculptures thought by mainstream Archaeologists to be created by the Nuragic civilization of Sardinia. However, those that subscribe to Ancient Astronaut theory suggest they may predate Neolithic civilisation by thousands of years - however this is a fringe idea that is sadly being overlooked by the majority of historians. The statues are fragmented into numerous pieces, they were found by accident in March 1974, in farmland near Mont'e Prama, in the comune of Cabras, Province of Oristano, in central-western Sardinia. The statues are carved in local sandstone and their height varies between 2 and 2.5 meters. My advice would be is to go see them and form your own opinion on where these Alien-like Giants came from. I could go on and on about everything Cagliari has to offer but I think it would be wiser to enjoy my video 24 Hours in Cagliari Sardinia - Travel Guide by an Englishman Cagliari is served by a large number of Europes Airlines and depending on where you are flying from you are more than likely to be able to pick up a good deal if you plan ahead. Kayak, Google Flights and Skyscanner should be the go-to websites for searching for the best flight deals. However, my personal favourite for European flight deals is Skyscanner. For some reason, Skyscanner works best when searching for European Flights over any of its rivals. Over the years I've had the fortune to stay in an array of hotels, apartments and various forms of accommodation while travelling. For the majority of travellers, I recommend - yes there are hotel comparison websites such as Trivago and Kayak. However, from my years of travel experience, I've discovered both of these comparison websites do not have all the hotels, hostels and apartments listed. The reasons behind this could be some premises simply do not pay the comparison sights a fee or the reason could be something else. If you know of the reason do leave a comment below. However, I have discovered no matter what the location will 9/10ths of the time have the most competitive deal and generally more choice. However, if you are super keen to get the best deal- use, Kayak, Trivago, and in separate browser windows. An alternative which I do recommend for your accommodation is Airbnb. The city authorities still allow Airbnb in the city (it hasn't been banned just yet). I've booked a number of apartments via Airbnb. If you have not used them before (you have probably been living under a rock). But if you use this referral link you will get many Dollars or Euros off your first booking and I'll get a very small referral kickback. I'm an Airbnb host as well as a frequent Airbnb traveller. I love Airbnb because not only does it make travelling more affordable but it also allows you to stay off the beaten track. Staying with a local or in your own cottage is far more unique than staying in a generic hotel you could find anywhere in the world. Use the map below to search for the perfect Airbnb stay within walking distance of the centre of Cagliari Sardinia. Of course when you are done with Cagliari there is the rest of Sardinia to discover. It is possible to get around Sardinia on Buses and Trains but in reality you will miss out on all the beautiful secret beaches that are only accessible via car. If you need to find a rental car for Sardinia I recommend using this comparison tool. Happy Holidays! Thanks for reading - Keep Progressing happy travellers! - The Wondering Englishman

  • Riga - Latvia - Weekend Travel Guide

    The climate of Riga is humid continental. The coldest months are January and February when the average temperature is −5 °C (23 °F) but temperatures as low as −20 to −25 °C (−4 to −13 °F) can be observed almost every year on the coldest days. The proximity of the sea causes frequent autumn rains and fogs. Continuous snow cover may last eighty days. The summers in Riga are mild and rainy with an average temperature of 18 °C (64 °F), while the temperature on the hottest days can exceed 30 °C (86 °F). Early May to late October is generally regarded as the best time visit by most seasoned Travellers. However, as long as you bring a warm jacket and expect it to be cold the winters can be just as good. One of the places I recently visited while in Riga went by the name of "The House of the BlackHeads". I have to admit this place really stood out for me and I found myself captivated by its history. The House of the Blackheads is a building situated in the old town of Riga, Latvia. The original building was erected during the first third of the 14th century for the brotherhood of Blackheads, a guild for unmarried merchants, shipowners, and foreigners in Riga. Maybe it was the mystique of the place or maybe it was the fact that it was started by travellers that drew me into the place but drawn in I certainly was. Here is that video where I visit the Blackheads House. Little old Riga although it is actually the biggest city in all the Baltics. Home to a third of Latvia's population and a city that should be visited by all those that enjoy European travel destinations. It's also a city I've frequented many times either for business, tourism or simply visiting friends. I am Alex van Terheyden & I am passionate about travel, immersing myself in other cultures and have the belief that all Nations are unique and worthy of one's time. I recently made a series of videos for my YouTube Channel The Wondering Englishman about intriguing Riga. The Wondering Englishman's YouTube channel consists of various adventures from around the world. He "wonders" what a place may be like and then sets off on an adventure to find out. Bringing the viewer and his loyal subscribers along for the ride. I'm incorporating the recent Riga Videos into this article so it's your one-stop shop for some essential Riga action. This post will be updated when new videos are sure to be made about this destination. Riga was founded way back in 1201 and is a former Hanseatic League member. In 2020, Riga has a population of just under 700,000 it receives double that in the number of visitors each year (1.5million) and it is only going to grow over the up and coming years. Riga is served by most of Europes major Airlines and depending on where you are flying from you are more than likely to be able to pick up a good deal if planned ahead. Kayak, Google Flights and Skyscanner should be the go-to websites for searching for the best flight deals. However, my personal favourite for European flight deals is Skyscanner. For some reason, Skyscanner works best when searching for European Flights over any of its rivals. The city is served by Riga International Airport, the largest and busiest airport in the Baltic states. And it is from that airport where most of you will enter Riga should you visit for a weekend. Here is my advice on getting to the centre. One theory about the origin of the name Riga is that it is a corrupted borrowing from the Liv rings meaning loop, referring to the ancient natural harbour formed by the tributary loop of the Daugava River. The river Daugava has been a trade route since antiquity, part of the Vikings' Dvina-Dnieper navigation route to Byzantium. A sheltered natural harbour 15 km (9.3 mi) upriver from the mouth of the Daugava — the site of today's Riga. And it is this river that has served the people of Riga for centuries with goods and one of the finest examples of this service can be found at the Biggest Market in the world (yes it is actually in Riga Latvia). This is Riga's City Market. The Gothic spires that dominate Riga's cityscape might suggest austerity, but it is the flamboyant art nouveau that forms the flesh and the spirit of this vibrant cosmopolitan city. Like a lot of Northern European cities, it is quiet and reserved on the outside, but there is some powerful chemistry going on inside its hip bars, modern art centres and the kitchens of its cool experimental restaurants. If you have a fondness for food then you won't come away disappointed from a weekend in Latvia. My advice as restaurants are forever changing I would refer to TripAdvisors' Top Restaurants list when in Latvia. Download the app onto your smartphone and have Riga available in offline mode that way you won't be incurring any roaming fees if your data plan doesn't allow Latvian data. Yelp does not serve the city well and is biased towards American travel tastes hence steer towards TripAdvisor which is clearly more used if you took the time like I did to compare the two while there. Over the years, I've had the fortune to stay in an array of hotels, apartments and various forms of accommodation while visiting Latvia. For the majority of travellers, I recommend - yes, there are hotel comparison websites such as Trivago and Kayak. However, from my years of travel experience, I've discovered both of these comparison websites do not have all the hotels, hostels and apartments listed. The reasons behind this could be some premises simply do not pay the comparison sights a fee or the reason could be something else. If you know of the reason, do leave a comment below. However, I have discovered no matter what the location will 9/10ths of the time have the most competitive deal and generally more choice. However, if you are super keen to get the best deal- use, Kayak, Trivago, and in separate browser windows. An alternative which I do recommend for your accommodation is Airbnb. The city authorities still allow Airbnb in the city (it hasn't been banned just yet). I've booked a number of apartments via Airbnb. If you have not used them before (you have probably been living under a rock). But if you use this referral link you will get many Dollars or Euros off your first booking, and I'll get a very small referral kickback. Riga has since its Inception sat at the crossroads of the great empires that wrote the pages of Europe’s elaborate history, Riga was – for centuries – a strategic linchpin in the annexation of important lands, until it was smothered into obscurity when the Iron Curtain fell. During its time in the Soviet Union, it experienced a changing population. Russians moved into Latvia while Latvian dissidents were often made to disappear. One of the museums in the city that give a snapshot into the dark years of the Soviet occupation is found where the KGB used to be headquartered. Though the museum does need updating it is a valuable source of information for those unfamiliar with KGB tactics and the atrocities that went on under communism. The most vibrant time of year in Riga is probably around over the summer solstice (23 and 24 June), Ligo and Jani are Riga’s most important days, celebrated with deep pagan undertones. Though most city dwellers flock to the countryside for bonfires, beers and naked frolicking, the capital remains lively, with parades and locals dressed in traditional garb. When not celebrating Pagan festivals Latvians love to drink good beer and decent cocktails in the numerous pubs and bars dotted around the city. And when Latvians and tourists want to party some more there is a wide selection of clubs to choose from. Although nothing to rival Berlin or Ibiza, the small city is still a fun place with the right company. Of course when your not out raving and drinking in the city you could be exploring the many museums in Riga or simply taking in the numerous sights. One of the more obscure museums I visited on my latest trip to Riga was the Video Games Museum. If you are a fan of Retro Gaming then this place has a huge selection of platforms to play and explore. From the humble ZX Spectrum, the game-changing Super Nintendo to Neo Geo arcade machines. The Video Games Museum called “Enjoy the Game”. It’s a privately run museum set up by the owner of the games shop that it sits below. The man’s love for Videos games and classic gaming systems is why it exists. The Museum is still growing - as they are a long way from having every system under the roof but it’s clear that they have made it as open and interactive as possible. Great for old gamers and new gamers who are seeking out to either relive the past or discover the wonders of the gaming past. My hope is this little museum continues to grow. I’m happy I’m able to bring you an insight into the world of video games - something that was a big part of my childhood and youth. Check out the video and go pay it a visit if you are a fan of video games. Enjoy the Game - Video Game Museum +371 27 028 464 Krišjāņa Barona iela 41/43, Centra rajons, Rīga, LV-1011, Latvia I'll try my best to update this post as I gather more information on Riga over time. More videos will likely follow as I visit to take in the town after the weaponised virus has retreated from the scene. I was hesitant about posting the next video as it was done such a long time ago. However, this is the first video I made on the city of Riga. I would like to think it is more amateurish than my latest videos but I'm still learning as I go. Here is that video for prosperity purposes from 2017! Thanks for joining me - be sure to subscribe to my YouTube Channel for more current videos made in the 2020s!

  • I may have been wrong about Covid-19

    I think I was wrong with my initial theory on Covid-19. You may have read my blog post that seemed to be widely shared around the world. Click here if you didn't read it. "Was the Covid19 virus released upon the world by a Shadow Organisation?" On a recent stroll through Clapham Common which is where I'm spending a large chunk of the Lockdown. I decided to give my thoughts on the matter. Here, I suggest that the virus was weaponised and released upon the world as part of their Empire building masterplan. An act of war against a very naive world who has been caught with their pants down. Once the Globalists released what was going on they put their all-encompassing authoritarian plan into action. Where the end game is population reduction and Universal income where the population submits to a vaccine and 1984 controls. Two Chinese Colonels wrote a book back in 1999 called Unrestricted Warfare: China's Master Plan to Destroy America. If you are curious about this book - here is the Amazon Link. I highly recommend reading it. It gives you an idea that this has all been planned for years. The Governments of the world will now use this to their advantage where they will use the MSM to push the narrative that you can get Covid-19 (The Wuhan Virus, The Chinese Virus, Corona Virus) more than once. And yet this will be the first virus strain that you can catch twice. And, yet pay attention all the MSM outlets will be there with their NPC talking heads pushing the narrative that you can. They will guilt trip and threaten the population into getting a vaccine that potentially will sterilise a population. And with Nano Technology that now exists likely chip the population without the doctors or anyone even knowing it. I hear many say they will refuse the vaccine. I will be in this camp and yet see how long you can keep refusing when they threaten to bar you from flights, restaurants, theatres and public spaces because this 21st century 1984 scenario is enforced before your eyes. Resist and shout down the bullshit that will be infecting the pages, the airwaves and those working for the new Stasi. If you would like to support me - you can do so from as little as 10 cents a month via Pledsto. Click here to follow the Support Link. Or simply Subscribe to my YouTube Channel - The Wondering Englishman #Covid19 #Plandemic

  • Finding oneself on the Internet

    If you can believe this - I'm actually envious of those who do not have a footprint on the internet. With hindsight, I would choose the option of being a Ghost on the internet. So invisible in fact, that there was no footprint of my existence (in a perfect world). However, hindsight is just that, and what is done, is done. Some of my digital footprints can be deleted (at least that is what I believe). Such as Facebook, Twitter and this Blog. And, while we, maybe cynical and believe Facebook & Twitter will probably keep our records even if we press delete, I'm certain they will vanish from the search engines like Google. The real problem hits you when you realise there are plenty of other websites on the internet that you do not have any control over the delete button and they have details of you! And everything is searchable for all to see. I'm not a Public figure - I do not have the power or authority to make laws or dictate the rules and yet Google & Bing seems to think I am a public figure (Well that's news to you and news to me!). I hold no office in the public space and I'm not running for office but this doesn't matter to those in Silicon Valley. My right to be forgotten on the internet is inconsequential to them because the way I think must be searchable by all. Sadly this can cause problems for some people. When I look myself up I find an array of random things online. Some things are so old they really shouldn't be there and yet they are still there. Let's have a look at some of those things. MySpace - how does this website even still exist? Who is paying all the money for all the servers over a decade after it stopped being relevant? I can't seem to delete my profile as I no longer have access to the email that I used to sign up to MySpace in the middle of the Naughties. Thankfully the only thing left on My "MySpace" profile (can you say My twice?) are some random photos of my friends and I between 2004 and 2007. According to SEO experts, you can influence the ranking of search results if something is well linked. So for simple prosperity purposes, I'm going to link random things that feature me. Linkedin - The go-to site for letting everyone know how qualified Alex van Terheyden is. ;) Instagram - The place to go to see Models making a fortune from taking Selfies and saying Blessed. My very Old Blog - This Blog is about 13/14 years old - I still occasionally post there but very rarely now. The Wondering Englishman YouTube Channel - I've posted this in every Blog Post so we are very familiar with this channel which is slowly growing with each new upload (Over 1m views to date). Of course, you are already subscribed! Travel Massive - A website that seems to bring people interested in Travel and those who work in Travel together be it at events or meetups. I'm yet to fully use this interface but I think it could be a very useful tool for those who work in the travel industry on a full-time basis. Belarus Feed - This charming website about all things Belarus decided to write a very long article on my trip to Belarus - they used my "An Englishman in Minsk" YouTube video for the inspiration of their article. It's clear Belorussian Journalists are far more charming than any British tabloid journalist. This is the kind of reporting I can get behind and I take my hat off to them for going through the entire video - they even screen shot frames from my video (see picture) to bulk up the article. Open News - They wrote an article on my Trip to Vienna - If you are tempted to read it they asked the Question "Will Vienna be voted the most livable city 10 years in a row?" A journalist taking the time to reach out to me and report the truth rather than lies. Foreign Policy - These chaps covered my Trip to Tartu in Estonia. I'm very grateful once again as the journalist concerned clearly had gone through the entire video (A weekend in Tartu) and used it to create an interesting story on the wonderful city of Tartu. E-Toro - A Trading site I signed up to a long time ago but clearly haven't used in a long time - I think it will only vanish when I finally delete my account - for the moment I don't mind it being online. Fake-Check - Now this I have no idea what it is! Did someone check up on my Instagram to check it was entirely real - this can be the only answer to why this exists! My Instagram doesn't have enough followers to merit a Fake Check. Maybe this website exists for every account or maybe it doesn't - answer in the comments below? I get this when someone has a Million followers and advertisers want to check how legit that person is (usually accounts with that many followers will have hundreds of thousands of bots). IMDB - Back in the day (10+years ago now) - I made a bet with my good friends Scott & Jeremy (they were trying to be actors at the time) that I could get more acting Gigs than they could despite the fact I had never gone to Drama/Acting School whereas they had. They scoffed at my bet as they struggled to get Gigs. A challenge is a challenge in my world so I went out there are tried to get acting gigs for just over a year - I had a lot of fun - I appeared in some random adverts, student films and some titled productions that actually credit me on IMDB - hence I have a page on IMDB making me look like I'm an actor - when I really am not! But I did win the bet ;) Sponsored Tweets - Similar to Social Spark this website pulls my YouTube videos from my channel The Wondering Englishman and pastes them onto their page Sponsored Tweets. I'm glad they can use my content for selling advertising to someone! I'm certainly not seeing that money but this is how the internet works, and I really don't mind! Rocket Reach - Now this website I do have an issue with - It's selling peoples contact details by pulling the information off Linkedin or some other site. I can't be certain my contact details are correct as I'm not going to sign up to their website and pay a fee. However, it proves everyone is reachable online for a price it would seem. Far easier to message me via Linkedin or on YouTube! Hills Road Alumni - My old 6th Form College - clearly their Platform isn't as big as Facebook or Linkedin as I have no connections from my days back in the college. Yolasite - where you can find my Old CV. A Mirror site of which lists my Blog, YouTube, Instagram & Twitter. Mix Cloud - This is where you will find my Old Radio show from my days when I was at Shoreditch Radio & on ClubZoneFM. I miss those days where I would live mix weekly - Very few of the early shows were ever recorded but many of the later shows were recorded. Some of them can be found here. My last recorded Show >> - This website seems to have many of the above details all in 1 place There are many other entries on Google & Bing but there is no way I can possibly go through all of them on here in one blog post - Google Claims there is over 59,500+ entries when someone searches my name! Now while that may not be in the Millions that is way too much! It's insane how much of a footprint I have on the internet. How big is your digital footprint? And do you wish (like me) you could delete some of it? Or even all of it? The irony is - as soon as I post this blog post - my footprint will increase. If you want things to vanish from Google, Bing or Yahoo you can attempt to reach out to them and they will delete certain things that appear when people search for you. For example, If you're of the opinion that the articles are no longer relevant, you can contact Google and request that the links be removed from its search listings. The Right to be Forgotten - Sadly it only works if you are deemed by Google not to be a Public Figure. If you are curious about how damaging it is to have negative information on the internet I would advise you to read my post "I was cancelled by the left - Don't let this happen to you...." And if you are interested in my story in video form. Feel free to watch the following video. ----- Alex van Terheyden

  • Was the Covid19 virus released upon the world by a Shadow Organisation?

    A conspiracy theory is an explanation of an event or situation that invokes a conspiracy by sinister and powerful actors, often political in motivation when other explanations are more probable. And, yet time and time again in our lifetime far fetched conspiracy theories have proven to be the truth. Don't believe me? Well, let me give you a brief snapshot of just some conspiracy theories that were scoffed at by many before ending up to be the actual truth. Conspiracy theories that actually turned out to be the Truth. The government was stealing dead bodies to do radioactive testing. During Prohibition, the government poisoned alcohol to keep people from drinking. A stroke rendered United States President Woodrow Wilson incapable of governing, and his wife surreptitiously stepped in. The Dalai Lama is a CIA asset. The FBI was spying on former Beatle John Lennon The government is using its vast resources to track citizens. The Gulf of Tonkin incident on August 2, 1964, was faked to provoke American support for the Vietnam War. Big Tobacco companies buried evidence that smoking was deadly. The Canada government was so paranoid about homosexuality that it developed a “gaydar” machine. The U.S Government has investigated UFOS for years. The CIA secretly gave LSD to unsuspecting individuals to test mind control. The U.S. Government employed Nazi scientists after World War II. The CIA spied on and controlled the American media. The U.S. government planned to commit domestic terrorism and blame Cuba. Osama bin Laden was hunted down through a fake vaccination program. All of the above is factually true and can be checked if you would like to do your due diligence. The list could go on for pages and yet if you had heard me mutter any of these before they were revealed to be true you would screech at me and claim I'm just a crazy deluded conspiracy theorist. And yet it was the CIA who is rumoured to have developed the term Conspiracy Theory. In his 2013 book, Conspiracy Theory in America, author Lance DeHaven-Smith traced the term “conspiracy theory” back to a CIA propaganda campaign that was designed to discredit doubters of the Warren Commission’s fake search into who assassinated President Kennedy in Dallas. In this light, the use of this pejorative term is obviously a tactic to shame and humiliate those who saw through the ulterior motives of the commission and thus effectively censor out or even banish anyone who questions official government accounts. I personally believe Covid-19 otherwise known as the Corona Virus is not a natural virus. In an article in the New Scientist dated 2015 scientists talk about a Lab Manufactured virus. The thinking goes - Did scientists carry on developing this virus? Or did the Chinese develop this virus in their bio-labs on the outskirts of Wuhan? It's plausible that through carelessness the virus could have escaped the Wuhan lab. Nothing is impossible when human error is factored into the equation. Yes, it's possible that this is a naturally occurring virus that simply jumped from Bats or another animal while in China. However, what makes me incredibly suspicious of this is the rate of infection that has happened in Iran at the same time as the infection happened in Central China. The Globalists and those who pull the Puppet Strings of Governments around the world have always considered Iran to be the enemy. And yet despite an infection starting some 5,600+ Miles away. The infection spread astronomically fast once in Iran. Reports suggest the first case wasn't reported until the 19th of February however I'm convinced this can't be true. Covid-19 seems to double every 7-10 days and yet within 4 weeks Iran has officially over 10,000 cases but reports suggest the figures to be 3-4x higher than they are actually stating. How did the infection spread so fast if it only really arrived on the 19th of February (today is 12th March 2020 when I write this). Iran does not have a Central Bank controlled by the Rothschilds. Which has made them a target for aggression by the Globalist controlled media and a possible target for the next war? The Rothschild family has slowly but surely had their Central banks established in every country of this world, giving them an incredible amount of wealth and power. In the year of 2000 there were seven countries without a Rothschild owned or controlled Central Bank: Afghanistan Iraq Sudan Libya Cuba North Korea Iran It is not a coincidence that the countries, which are listed above have experienced turmoil in the last 20 years either through war or simply attacked by the Western Globalist controlled mainstream media. It is my belief that these countries have been under attack over the last 20 years in some capacity because they did not or do not have a Rothschild-owned Central Bank yet. The first step in having a Central Bank established in a country is to get them to accept an outrageous loan, which puts the country in debt to the Central Bank and under the control of the Rothschilds. If the country does not accept the loan, the leader of this particular country will likely be assassinated and a Rothschild-aligned leader will be put into the position, and if the assassination does not work, the country will be invaded and have a Central Bank established with force all under the name of terrorism. The only countries left in 2020 without a Central Bank owned or controlled by the Rothschild Family are: Cuba North Korea Iran Cuba is slowly falling into place. North Korea was set to be put in the firing line but thankfully Donald Trump has stood in front of the shady Globalists who are keen to pick a war with North Korea. Over the last year, Iran has been the Globalist's target. War was being pushed by the MSM on a daily basis. So-called Liberals were vying for war and criticising Trump for not unleashing war on Iran. War under Trump didn't seem to be happening so in my mind it seems the Globalists came up with another plan. A plan that could target all their enemies and also allow them to seize even more wealth. So where does China come into all this you may ask? Well, China has fast become a superpower. Up until mid-2019 its current pace of growth would soon outpace that of the United States of America. This made many shadow puppet Globalist masters uneasy. They had their central bank in China but did they really have the control they wanted? It didn't seem to be the case as China was buying other nations' debt rather than following the Rothschild formula of issuing debt it couldn't afford to pay back. What this has meant; China hasn't been under the Central banker's control - something needed to be done. Those who worship the religion of Globalism and control the Central Banks had a plan to take out their two enemies and also depopulate a large chunk of Earth's population. Release a weaponised virus in the heart of China and blame it on the Chinese and do the same covertly to Iran. If the virus spawned in China the infection in my mind would take longer to get to Iran than it has done. Iran within weeks of the first infection now has 10s of thousands of cases most of which have not been reported. As testing, everyone is simply impossible. In the UK alone the maximum number of people being tested is only 2,000. Although they are talking that they will double that now. I've been following the stats on the virus daily. A great website to see the live stats can be found here. I really hope we can beat this virus but I'm fearful this is part of the plan. Just in the same way 9/11 was part of their plan that set the world on a journey back in 2001. Don't believe me about 9/11 - look at who benefited from the events that unfolded. And just like 9/11 was revealed and planned before it happened by the powers that be. It would seem Corona Virus Pandemic was planned before the current events started taking place. On September 11, at least five different "war games" were being conducted by the military and intelligence agencies. These exercises included simulations of 9/11 type events, a plane into building scenario near Dulles Airport in Virginia, and deployment of fighters to northern Canada and Alaska (which reduced the number of fighters that were available to protect the US?). It seems that these exercises were the means used to paralyze the air defences, thereby ensuring the success of the "attacks." The British Navy was conducting exercises in the Indian ocean near the Middle East. A bio-war exercise was also about to start in New York City. Who has the power to coordinate all of these exercises? Osama bin Laden? Saddam Hussein? Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah? Dick Cheney and the White House National Security Council? It is difficult to believe that it is a bizarre "coincidence" that the military and CIA were conducting wargames similar to 9/11 on September 11, 2001. While it seems likely, if not blatantly obvious, that these war games were one of the means used to confuse the air defence system for sufficient time to allow the World Trade Center to be attacked, the war games do not answer the question of how the air defences were suppressed for another half hour after the second tower was hit (at which time everyone knew that an attack was in progress). The Air Force had another half hour after the second tower to scramble interceptors to defend the Capitol (the plane that is alleged to have hit the Pentagon made its 180 degrees turn over Ohio to head back toward D.C. about the time that the second tower was struck). A similar war game event was run on the same day 7/7 took place. There were people in London playing a game that showed explosions going off on the London Underground. And then it happened. And yet just like 9/11 where the war games were practised ridiculously on the day - either as a way to distract the air force or simply as a way to reveal the truth. The coronavirus was practised before the plan was put into place. Back in October 2019, the Bill Gates Foundation ran a "Virus War Game" into what would happen if the Corona Virus Pandemic took place. Coincidence or are the Elites revealing their cards once again? They did this in the form of Event 201. The name is very close to Agenda 21 don't you think? The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. The exercise illustrated areas where public/private partnerships will be necessary during the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large-scale economic and societal consequences. It is said the New World Order reveal before they act on something. Of course, many will say this is a standard Forum. These things happen all the time. Well, members of the Jury, I'm not convinced - just, in the same way, there were short sellers of Airline stocks in the days leading up to 9/11 (people knew). I'm convinced people knew this was going to happen. And Octobers John Hopkins Forum was the last test run before going live with the Virus attack on our world. Is Covid-19 more likely to target specific genetic groups? Only time will tell. If this was not a naturally occurring virus and it was released by a Shadow group of people then did they already take the vaccine? Of course, I am only speculating - I am simply asking questions that the mainstream media will not ask. Trillions of dollars have been lost from the Financial Markets since this Pandemic began. When markets Shrink it's always the Elite who prosper. It gives the very wealthy the opportunity to mop up assets when everyone else is panicking in the fire sale. We were overdue a rinsing of the system - this rinsing will knock out small businesses across all industries. Only the cash-rich will survive. *****UPDATE***** May 14th 2020 - I've done an update to this post with the following post - Do Click on where I update my Analysis *****

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