If I can ignore the fact that the YouTube offices have been taken over by Social Justice Warriors who are intent on slaying a fictitious Dragon - YouTube is a product I very much love. I haven't watched real Television in years. I simply see no need for it. YouTube has all the content I could possibly need all in one place. I really hope the company sees the light and doesn't continue down the path of banning YouTubers because they think differently to the Thought Police. Only time will tell.
It should be noted before I reveal my favourite YouTubers that there are alternative Platforms to YouTube and everyone should be familiar with those platforms if they value Free Speech. They include - Bitchute, Vimeo, Vevo, DailyMotion & my personal favourite LBRY. Although it appears LBRY may be changing its name soon. So watch this space.
All signed up Users to the YouTube platform have the ability to Subscribe to whomever they like. YouTubes Algoythm will then try to learn what you like as well as manipulate what you like by sending you down a rabbit hole of content to keep you on the platform for as long as possible. I've been on the platform since 2006 so I have a pretty good idea what I like. Here are my favourite YouTubers.
One man does in one video what an entire production team could only wise they did in a year-long project. He produces a video usually every 6 weeks and I have to state his videos get better and better with each new video he releases. John Canales is the Mouthy Buddha and I take my hat off to his well put together videos. Tacking subjects the mainstream news would rather you didn't know about. *** Since I wrote this blog post The Mouthy Buddha has been banned from YouTube - his content is available on LBRY & Bitchute as they do not censor ideas (yet).***
The worlds greatest Techno DJ has his own YouTube Channel. Granted not all his work is on this channel - I wish he would change that but I guess he is too busy being Maceo Plex and producing some of the finest music in the world. Highlights include him occasionally doing LiveStreams from his studio. Worthy of your time and attention - go click subscribe Techno style!
Canada's greatest export right now by 10,000 miles and author of the bestselling book The 12 Rules for Life. For some reason, this well-spoken, reasoned academic seems for no good reason ruffle the feathers of those on the far left. The answer can only be they have their heads so far up their arses they haven't taken the time to listen to anything he has to say for himself. Peterson has clearly used his years to think through his thoughts and with that dissects life, philosophy and psychology with finesse. Any time you are willing to enjoy his lectures his YouTube Channel should be worthy of your time. A sprinkle of some of his highlights is below, however like all the channels mentioned on this page - I urge you to Subscribe to get the best value.
The most successful Podcaster in the world. This outstanding all American chap won't be on YouTube for much longer. YouTube Management failed to see the value of this podcasting talent so Spotify decided to snap him up for $100million. Only time will tell if the Mega Bucks means his down to earth persona speaks that from the heart attitude gets impacted by lawyers who intervene and say you can't say this about Chicks with Dicks. The perfect show to listen to if you are out for a 2-3 hour walk. Always insightful and always something brought to the table. A couple of outstanding shows to watch if you haven't already - but it looks like we will be watching him on Spotify come December 2020.
This channel should actually be a show on terrestrial Television. His videos are so well researched with amazing insight. However, there's a reason why the Networks haven't picked him up. It is because his subjects don't mesh with their agenda. Bright Insight provides academic insight into the wonders of the world NPCs refuse to look at. Discussions on where Atlantis could have been to possible life on the Moon. Worthy of anyone's attention who is curious about the Wonders of the World and the Universe. Some highlights I have posted below.
This YouTuber started his Eastern European Travels after me but despite this, his growth has been x1000000 bigger than my growth - but like my Murphys, I'm Not Bitter! Mr Bald is immensely watchable and this is his secret. He speaks Russian which comes in handy with his many encounters with Babuska's and Relics who might still think the Soviet Union is still together. Mr Bald to his viewers but known as Benjamin RIch to his family. The slight irony that his last name is Rich and his Channel started because he was declared Bankrupt. And yet it's clear now with his great success he is no longer Bankrupt. He has over 2 million subscribers and his videos rake in the cash and are very worthy of anyone's attention. Highlights from his travels:
The name of the channel doesn't exactly make you want to click on it unless of course, you love computers. However, this channel clearly started along the lines of covering all things computers but gravitated over time to be much more. Computing Forever is a channel dedicated to politics, social commentary and technology. I visit the channel for the discussions about politics that you won't hear that often on the MSM. The channel challenges the cancer that is social justice, political correctness and hyper-consumerism. Worthy of your time and a Subscription.
****2021 Update**** The Channel has now been removed by the YouTube Gods because they don't like the discussion of ideas. You can now find Computer Forever on Odysee***
Maybe I was drawn to this channel, to begin with, because it has "Wonder" in its title. I'm glad that word was able to draw me in - what a wonderful channel that tackles some of the most interesting subjects a man or woman could ever engross themselves with. Their content makes you curious, inspired, and feel good in life. Wonder is the feeling of curiosity and/or appreciation inspired by something that is beautiful or unfamiliar. Their content creates that feeling that's for sure covering a range of topics related to things like social, emotional, and intellectual wellbeing. Worthy of your time and subscription - here are a couple of highlights.
Rex is known as Black Pigeon Speaks but in reality only his friends know his true identity. Very wise in this world where people can get cancelled for having the wrong opinion. This channel packed with well-researched insight into word current events has been banned by YouTube once before so may not last much longer but I hope the Woke Police don't take it down. It truly should be watched/listened to by all those looking for wider insight into the world we live in.
Those worthy of a mention that I haven't included in the list include the very watchable Indigo Traveller. The mischievous David Bond who seems to reside between the USA and Thailand most days. Mark Dice hated by the Liberal Media but always very clickable and worthy of 5minutes of your time each day. Paul Joseph Watson a regular on the most banned network in the world (Infowars) but still producing amazing content for YouTube. And do check out my friend James Hibbert he recently started on YouTube and he is likely to overtake me in no time - most people do these days!
If you liked this list and you would like to take the time to Subscribe to my Channel The Wondering Englishman - I will be forever grateful! Thanks for taking the time and let's keep our fingers crossed that YouTube doesn't eat itself with its mass hiring of the woke left.
Thank you for your time and attention - please support free speech and do not allow the Marxist left to continue to cancel those who do not think the same as them.